Thursday, March 21, 2013


Feeling very inspired these days!!! Winter months seem to last much longer in NYC then down South so I've been at home a lot more. I'm still finding my way around to antique shops + the best Goodwills in town to style up our space. It's been a lot of fun rediscovering the city I've grown up in. Since moving out of state five years ago a lot has changed so we look like tourist most of the time.

Against my husbands wishes I've picked up a drill + hammer to get our apartment up to par. He wasn't so upset once he saw what I had done. There is so much more I'd like to do but we are only renting so I can't go crazy.

With that said I just wanted to help spark some inspiration in all of you. There are hidden gems every where, like in your basement, a piece of furniture you're about to junk or that Goodwill you always pass on the way to work but never go into. Sometimes you just have to dig a little or check out a blog or two to help your creative juices flow.

How fun is this bar cart? I've got to go shopping to spruce up ours!!

Love natural wood + metal paired together.

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