Monday, February 18, 2013


It's been chilly here in NYC...burrrr!!  Perfect time for a hot + healthy soup. I would love to share one of my favorite soups of the season.  Sometimes I'll get an idea and just mess around with it + see what comes of it.  I did my best to put together a recipe that is quick + easy. 


If you prefer bag beans just follow the instructions on the bag. 
When in a pinch I like to grab and go. Just be sure you wash + rinse the beans well!!

As a Mom to a toddler sometimes I'll buy the precut butternut squash at 
Trader Joe's when they don't the whole one in stock. Great time saver.

Be sure to toss the kale in last. 20 minutes or so into cooking and let simmer on low heat.


   2 cans black beans {rinse + drained well}
   1 Tbsp. coconut or extra virgin olive oil
   1 Tbsp. garlic powder
   1/2 Tbsp. red pepper flakes   
   1 Tbsp. chili powder
   1 medium sweet yellow onion, chopped
   3 cloves garlic, chopped
   3 celery stalks
   1/2 bag of kale, chopped (heaping 2 cups)
   3 cups cubed butternut squash (sweet potato would be good too)
   3 cups low sodium chicken broth

   avocado, for garnish
   cilantro, for garnish

In a heavy pot, warm the oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and celery, saute until lightly         brown about 5 - 7 minutes. Add the garlic, squash, beans, spices and broth. Turn the heat down to a gentle simmer, cover the pot and cook for about 15 minutes to allow vegetable to cook.

At the 20 minute mark add the kale to the soup and stir. Let simmer for 10 minutes for all the flavors to blend. I like my soup chunky but you can also run in through the blend for a smoother consistency.

Pour into your favorite bowl and garnish with avocado and chopped cilantro.

Feel free to leave feedback or let me know how yours turned out.

Thanks for stopping by!!

All images taken with iPhone 4S


Friday, February 8, 2013


Marc + I always said if we moved back to NYC we would expose Levi to more then the street he lives on. With that said we put in place {Family Adventure Day} + each week we pick an area we'd like to explore. Today's neighborhood is Cobble Hill in Brooklyn. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite places in NY.  There is so much history + there is so much character on each street.

We stumbled upon this quaint little cafe hidden on Dean St. One Girl Cookies. The charm of the outside just called us by name, so of course we had to check it out.

This sweet gal was so kind + helpful. I could not believe they had pumpkin whoopie pies!! Pumpkin is too awesome not to be used all year round. Why would you only showcase pumpkin for the holidays?? Why??!!  They had my heart at PUMPKIN.

This wonderful kiddo of mine decided he didn't want the cookies we got him + snatched up my whoopie pie. Anyone that has kids knows you no longer get to have your "own food" or your "own drink." Everything is fair game.

I LOVE that they offer baking classes. We are planning on signing up for one + you should come join us!! This is a MUST stop in spot so venture out of your hood + enjoy the beauty of Cobble Hill with a side of COOKIES!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


We FINALLY made it into Clinton Street Baking Company!!! For the last several weeks we've tried to get into this cozy little spot but the wait has always been 2 - 3 hours. Insane, right?  Yelp + Urbanspoon has the greatest reviews + the long lines peeked our curiosity. 

I asked the waitress what she recommended + she recommended their awarding winning pancakes. 
We got the banana walnut + they were heavenly. I really, really LOVE pancakes + these were divine.

Marc was "starving" so he didn't allow me enough time to take a proper pic of his food. 

I like to people watch. 

Passed this Diner walking back to the car. 
I think we might try this place next. Maybe!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


My inspiration to make these yummy pancakes came from this funky little restaurant Five Leaves in Greenpoint.
The food is AMAZING!!! I ordered their "Ricotta Pancakes" to share with 
Levi + they were some of the best pancakes I've ever had. 

Family Day is always tons of fun because we roam about the borough's and try new places with our kiddo. I have found that A LOT of the restaurants aren't kid friendly + most do not have highchairs. If we think it's worth it, we'll just work with what we've got. Most of the time Levi is just fine sitting in a chair but we travel with our Bumbo just in case.

Usually books keep this kid occupied but we had to switch off a bit.

Checking his Instagram while he waits for his pancakes.

The pic below is my twist on their Lemon Pancakes.

I'm on this new kick with putting blueberries in everything. The recipe didn't call for them but they are high in antioxidant's, right? I also like my pancakes on the darker side with a yummy crunchy ring around them that only butter can give you!! So good.

Since I'm not much of a baker and don't own a mixer of any kind, I had to beat these egg whites into submission with my own hands. It was a serious upper body workout. This is what it should look like before you gently fold it into your batter. DON'T SKIP this step. It really makes a difference.

Here is the recipe -

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup blueberries
1 1/2 buttermilk {you can also use regular milk or 2%}
2 large eggs, separated
1 tablespoon grated lemon peel
1/3 cup part -skim ricotta cheese
Butter for the pan

1. In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt. In a medium bowl, whisk buttermilk, egg yolks, and lemon peel to the blend. Stir buttermilk mixture into flour mixture just until evenly moistened. Gently stir in ricotta cheese.

2. In a bowl, with a mixer on high speed {or whisk in hand at rapid speed} beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. With a flexible spatula, gently fold the whites into the batter just until they are incorporated. Gently drop in blueberries and gently mix.

3. Place a nonstick griddle or 12 inch nonstick frying pan over medium heat; when hot, coat lightly with butter and adjust heat to maintain temperature. Drop batter in 1/2 cup portions onto the griddle/frying pan and cook till brown. I like to wait till most of the bubbles pop on top and then flip. 1 1/2 to 2 minutes longer on the other side. Coat pan with butter as necessary to cook remaining pancakes.

4. Serve pancakes cooked, or keep warm  inside your oven on a single layer baking sheet on 200° for up to 15 minutes.


Monday, February 4, 2013


 We moved from Charlotte, NC to New York just two days before "Super Storm Sandy" hit. Marc was already in New York for work so I took the 13 hour drive with Maximus, Levi & my Mom. It was a crazy experience. I hadn't seen the apartment except for a video our friend took and sent to us. Our moving truck was set to deliver our things two days after our move but you guessed it...that didn't happen. We slept on a used pullout that the previous renters left and borrowed pots, pans, towels etc.. from my sister. It has been a real adjustment moving from a 2600 sq ft house to a city apartment. Despite the downsize I have been determined to make this place cozy and feel like HOME!!!

I'm often asked, "where do you find these things?" I hope this post can help you in finding a few gems of your own, to make your house/apartment a HOME. 

I think our love for vintage things, old things, beautiful things came after we bought our first house on Long Island in Mineola, NY. I went to my first estate/yard sale and I was hooked.

Starting in the living room I found that awesome tufted chair, left of the sectional at Value Village for $30. I also found that sweet quilt and knitted blanket there for $5 + $3. Super deal. 

Some of the pillows were made from napkins I bought on clearance at Target for $3. 18X18 size napkins for 18X18 pillows. The teal pillows came from Habitat ReStore for $2.

Our coffee tables {wood spindles} were purchased at The Depot at Gibson Mill for $25. I remembered Marc coming home one day talking about this new design blog he found. Yes, my husband loves design blogs {CRAZY!!} He couldn't stop talking about these wooden spindles turned coffee tables. Levi + I took a ride to The Depot while Marc was away and there they were. We just have to put some casters on them + then they'll be complete.

The rug as previously asked came from IKEA for $69. We splurged. 

That AWESOME painting on the wall came from Marc himself. He's traditionally a painter turned graphic designer. 

Our new shelf also came from IKEA $14 + those darling frames came from Goodwill.

Maximus, well we adopted him but for a very good price...hahaha - $25. We LOVE him so much +  on this particular day he decided he wanted to be in every picture. If you are able to adopt a pet, I highly recommend it. There are so many animals without a home especially after the storm.


Wednesday's are our Saturday because of Marc's work schedule. This week we headed into the city for {Family Day}. We loaded up the car and headed to the Upper West Side. We used to stroll these streets when we first started dating. That's more then 10 years ago!! WOW. We loved going to Central Park for picnics or having a few laughs at Harry's Burrito.  Parking is always killer but we scored a sweet parking right across from the American Museum of Natural History.

Just moving from the South a few months ago this building caught my eye. It took me back to our family vacation spot in Savannah, GA. A fabulous place to visit if you've never been. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I adore all the details, color, curved staircase + location of course.

After a great day of talking, walking + visiting with new friends we headed back to the car. I am a sucker for dancing, singing or just about anything in the rain. I saw a great opportunity to have some fun with Levi and made a mad dash across the street {safely of course!!} There's something so amazing about letting go + being silly with your kiddo. Sweet God I just can't take this kid. LOVE him!!!

These pictures were taken with my iPhone 4S.