Monday, February 4, 2013


Wednesday's are our Saturday because of Marc's work schedule. This week we headed into the city for {Family Day}. We loaded up the car and headed to the Upper West Side. We used to stroll these streets when we first started dating. That's more then 10 years ago!! WOW. We loved going to Central Park for picnics or having a few laughs at Harry's Burrito.  Parking is always killer but we scored a sweet parking right across from the American Museum of Natural History.

Just moving from the South a few months ago this building caught my eye. It took me back to our family vacation spot in Savannah, GA. A fabulous place to visit if you've never been. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I adore all the details, color, curved staircase + location of course.

After a great day of talking, walking + visiting with new friends we headed back to the car. I am a sucker for dancing, singing or just about anything in the rain. I saw a great opportunity to have some fun with Levi and made a mad dash across the street {safely of course!!} There's something so amazing about letting go + being silly with your kiddo. Sweet God I just can't take this kid. LOVE him!!!

These pictures were taken with my iPhone 4S.

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