Friday, February 8, 2013


Marc + I always said if we moved back to NYC we would expose Levi to more then the street he lives on. With that said we put in place {Family Adventure Day} + each week we pick an area we'd like to explore. Today's neighborhood is Cobble Hill in Brooklyn. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite places in NY.  There is so much history + there is so much character on each street.

We stumbled upon this quaint little cafe hidden on Dean St. One Girl Cookies. The charm of the outside just called us by name, so of course we had to check it out.

This sweet gal was so kind + helpful. I could not believe they had pumpkin whoopie pies!! Pumpkin is too awesome not to be used all year round. Why would you only showcase pumpkin for the holidays?? Why??!!  They had my heart at PUMPKIN.

This wonderful kiddo of mine decided he didn't want the cookies we got him + snatched up my whoopie pie. Anyone that has kids knows you no longer get to have your "own food" or your "own drink." Everything is fair game.

I LOVE that they offer baking classes. We are planning on signing up for one + you should come join us!! This is a MUST stop in spot so venture out of your hood + enjoy the beauty of Cobble Hill with a side of COOKIES!!!

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